Is Aloe Vera Good For Oily Skin?

aloe vera plant cut on wooden table for oily skin

With its long history, there are many reasons to consider ” is aloe vera good for oily skin?” Using the Aloe plant to treat skin conditions has been around since ancient times.

However, do new scientific studies support the use of Aloe Vera? The early Egyptians, among other cultures, discovered the plants healing properties as far back as ca 1500 BCE, possibly earlier.

In the archaic Egyptian medicinal book, the Ebers Papyrus, Aloe Vera is a cure for burns and skin diseases. It healed the wounds of warriors and was a beauty indulgent for queens Cleopatra and Nefertiti.

The Egyptians’ value of the plant led to its nickname “the plant of immortality.” Today, the use of Aloe Vera as a healing remedy has spread across many cultures and continents.”

For oily skin, aloe vera has a reputation for treating symptoms associated with producing excess sebum. Below are the benefits, side effects, and different ways to use aloe vera for your skin.


Benefits of Aloe Vera for oily skin

Backed by research, in 1820, Aloe Vera became classified by the U.S. Pharmacopeia as a skin protectant. Primarily for healing skin burns.

Later in 1937, scientist J.E. Crewe; published a journal stating the multiple benefits of Aloe Vera gel, one being that it prevents scarring.

One of the many vitamins found in the plant is Vitamin A as Beta Carotene, which increases cellular repair.

You may have heard of salicylic acid in skincare products to unclog pores and loosen sticky cell debris. Well, this is a naturally occurring substance in the aloe plant!

From this data, one can theorize; that Aloe Vera prevents hyperpigmentation and scarring from breakouts induced by oily skin.

Additionally, considering the Aloe plant is chiefly water, it can be hydrating to the skin.


Potential side effects of Aloe Vera 

For sensitive skin, test the Aloe on a small section before applying it too broad areas. When it comes to natural Aloe, latex is a potential cause of irritation.

The substance is said to have a yellow hue in vast amounts in the plant. Irritation can occur as itching, a rash, redness, or unduly dry skin after use.

When formulated in quality skincare products, irritants get eliminated for a safer form of Aloe. If you have ever had irritation to latex products, such as gloves and balloons, then you may opt for skincare products with Aloe to reduce side effects.

How to use natural Aloe Vera in your skincare routine

If you decide to go the natural route and buy the plant, there are different methods to utilize the Aloe Vera gel. Experiment with the applications below to find what works best for you.

For decreased irritation, perform patch tests before applying to large areas of skin. Below are methods to prepare and apply Aloe Vera gel to your skin.

For each method, rinse the plant before and after slicing to reduce potential contaminants.

  1. Slice the Aloe Vera gel in small sections and rub the gel side directly on your face.
  2. Place halved Aloe Vera pieces in the freezer for an added cooling effect.
  3. Scrape the Aloe Vera out of the leaf with a knife or spoon, then lightly blend it. Keep it refrigerated.

Finding the right Aloe Vera skin care product

When shopping for a product that contains Aloe Vera, read the ingredient list to determine the amount in the product. When buying an Aloe Vera skin care product, it is rare for the product to be all Aloe Vera.

The terms “Made with 100% pure aloe” can merely mean pure Aloe is in the product. Ingredients get added to increase the healing qualities and preserve the quality of the product.

To find a product with high Aloe content, look for Aloe Baebadensis Leaf Juice as one of the first if not only products on the ingredient list. The higher it is on the list, the more the product contains compared to other substances.


The Takeaway

There is little scientific research to determine if using aloe vera on the skin can decrease sebum output. However, research data has determined Aloe Vera is good for oily skin through the anti-inflammatory and healing properties it contains.

The components of Aloe Vera can reduce the appearance of pimples, texture, and hyperpigmentation, which is a pivotal factor in having oily skin. Overall, Aloe Vera is a sticky, gooey mess, and applying the glob to your face is an experience in itself.

It’s the most popular plant used in skincare products and often inexpensive if you purchase it as a product with Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice.

Sources: EBERS PAPYRUS 1500 BCE, accessed September 2021
Lee S.K. (2006) Overview of Aloe study. In: Park Y.I., Lee S.K. (eds) New Perspectives on Aloe. Springer, Boston, MA.
ALOE VERA & SKIN CARE| DR DRAY, published Apr 9, 2019
If Aloe Causes Cancer, Why Is It In Skincare? published Oct 9, 2020, Accessed September 2021

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