Lose Weight With DIM (diindolylmethane)& Keto

lose weight with DIM diindolylmethane

Recently I started a keto meal plan along with dim supplements to improve my skin and lose weight. Keto just seemed like the perfect and doable diet for me. The fat content would provide fullness to reduce my food intake.Instead of increasing body fat, the ketones produced will also break down stored fat when on a healthy keto diet. 

It’s a diet for reducing inflammation and putting hormone issues caused by insulin in check.DIM (diindolylmethane) is a supplement primarily marketed as a hormone balancer. There are many potential benefits, with one being hormonal acne treatment.

Lose Weight On A Winging It Keto Diet Without DIM

My first attempt at keto was without a keto meal plan. I was eating meat and vegetables with little fat consumption. My morning routine included a keto-friendly smoothie in the morning composed of whole lemons without the peel, half a cucumber, and chia seeds ( This smoothie made me feel full longer).

 I would drink this as I jogged 20 minutes around the park and conducted several exercising routines. The running made me thirsty, so I consumed a lot of water throughout the day.With this routine, I would lose weight. The downside is that it would immediately go up if I ate something. The scale was playing tricks on me! 

So weight loss occurred, but it was seemingly not going to be permanent. However, I felt more energetic, and my allergies seemed to have improved. 

Break From Working Out & Starting DIM Supplements

Due to the summer heat, I thought it wouldn’t be a good idea to run outdoors every day. I was getting an uneven skin tone because of my workout attire. I decided to moderately perform different workouts at home, which led me to take a break.

At this time, I purchased the supplement DIM (diindolylmethane). It seemed to be the perfect supplement to deal with acne concentrated on my jaw (hormonal acne). For a brief overview, DIM is good for balancing hormones and solving symptoms caused by hormone imbalances.

Symptoms Taking DIM (diindolylmethane)

The only symptom I have had so far taking dim is sore breasts, which I felt the day after. 

However, I am 13 days in and have not experienced breast soreness beyond that one day or any other negative symptoms. But knock on wood!

Surprising Weight Loss Effect of DIM and a Keto Meal Plan

 Following the Custom Keto Diet meal plan with two Natures’ Plus DIM Supplement daily, I have lost a pound or two every day.In the beginning, I sustained from weighing myself because of my previous up and down results with the unplanned keto diet without dim. 

I didn’t want to get discouraged! When I started to weigh myself, I was surprised! I weighed myself every morning with the same weight of clothing on to prevent altering my results. However, I recently added extensions to my hair, and the scale still went down!

DIM Activated at Night To Lose Weight

When I go to bed at night, I can feel and hear those noises in my stomach in which I think the dim is in effect. Although, I take the pills mainly around 12:30 pm after a keto meal. Don’t be alarmed! The noises are NOT loud rumbles or signs of discomfort. I have not had any bowel changes, stomach pain, or disturbances.

Research Suggests Keto & Dim May Help You Lose Weight

In a study, mice were put on a high-fat diet and given dim. Mice on the high-fat diet and DIM refrained from becoming obese. Although, there were no specifics into the exact type of high-fat diet.This study further shows some relation between high-fat diets like the Keto diet, dim, and weight loss.


 I haven’t come across a weight loss tea or program yet that has been as effective as Dim has been with the Keto diet! As of today, Nature’s Way DIM plus (diindolylmethane) gets a 10 out of 10 for me! It will take at least two to three months to determine if it will improve my acne and oily skin, so look for those updates.

My fat burning has been consistent even with days of not working out. However, I will get back to working out for the benefits of strengthening muscles, a contoured body, and increased oxygen intake.

Custom Keto Diet is exposing me to new recipes that my pallet likes while helping me drop pounds. Additionally, it keeps me from losing my cool over a carb craving by providing delicious substitutes.

**UPDATE *** As of August 2021, Dim has dramatically reduced my acne breakouts and kept my weight in check. Honestly, I again, went off the Keto Diet due to stress and cravings! However, I continued to take DIM supplements. My weight never went beyond the 147lbs I started with, and my skin feels smooth rather than bumpy like before. I’m currently getting back on track with the Keto diet.

Read More: Diindolylmethane Benefits & Side Effects


Yang H, Seo SG, Shin SH, Min S, Kang MJ, Yoo R, Kwon JY, Yue S, Kim KH, Cheng JX, Kim JR, Park JS, Kim JH, Park JHY, Lee HJ, Lee KW. 3,3′-Diindolylmethane suppresses high-fat diet-induced obesity through inhibiting adipogenesis of pre-adipocytes by targeting USP2 activity. Mol Nutr Food Res. 2017 Oct;61(10). doi: 10.1002/mnfr.201700119. Epub 2017 Jul 18. PMID: 28586165.

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