Natural Ingredients For Quick At Home Facials

Home facials have gotten so creative that you can go into your fridge, pick an item, and find a facial recipe for it on the web. Unfortunately, all skin isn’t equal and applying certain products can turn into a week-long regret!

The quick facial below includes ingredients that have been soothing to sensitive skin. The best part is, these ingredients are natural, inexpensive, and can be found in your kitchen!

It is recommended to use your normal face wash and moisturizer to decrease the chance of irritation. Although, we can not guarantee these natural ingredients will be irritation free for everyone, product and skin types vary.

Green Tea Benefits in the Quick Facial

Green tea has a wide range of skin-protecting properties. Photo-damage from solar rays is a particular concern. UV and UVA radiation, if not protected, can cause cellular alterations and possibly skin cancer.

Green tea fights cellular damage by stabilizing free radicals.

Green tea polyphenols can also help to repair DNA damage induced by ultraviolet radiation. Tea that has not undergone oxidation maintains its polyphenol content and may have an anti-inflammatory effect on acne, reducing the number of acne bacteria and irritation.

Flaxseed Gel Benefits In the Quick Facial

The majority of scientific flax research focuses on flaxseed oil or flax intake. Many individuals, on the other hand, use flax for the gelatin consistency it produces when soaked in water.

The first step in making flax gel is to mill the flax seeds into a fine powder; you may also purchase it already ground.

Second, in a pot of water, simmer the powder for 5 to 6 minutes, or until the mixture is cohesive. Finally, drain the liquid to eliminate any undissolved flax powder, then chill it until the consistency thickens even more.

When applied on the face, the flax gel tightens and draws impurities out. Users notice fewer wrinkles and smaller pores.

Omega-3 fatty acids are plentiful in flax. A study of 1000 North Carolina teenagers found that those who ate a diet rich in omega-3 foods had fewer acne-related disorders, such as greasy skin and pimples than those who did not.

Omega 3 combats inflammation when applied topically to the skin.

Cucumber Benefits For The Eyes

Although there are many creams and massages known to revitalize the eyes, there is only one made to enhance relaxation. When you choose cucumbers to rejuvenate your eyes, you are effectively closing out the world and meditating.

Additionally, an unprocessed whole cucumber is 95% water and contains Vitamin K and Magnesium among other nutrients. When slices of cucumbers are applied over the eyes, nutrients are absorbed and the skin is kept cool and hydrated.

The Quick Facial With Green Tea, Flax Seed and Cucumber


  • 2 Green Tea packets
  • Flaxseed gel – water & Flaxseed mix
  • 2 circular Cucumber Slices
  • White face towel


  1. Seep two Green Tea bags into boiling water.
  2. Wash your face with lukewarm water + your normal face wash.
  3. Wait for the tea to become warm.
  4. Dip a white rag (no dye) in the green tea.
  5. Ring the rag to remove excess tea, place it on your face for 2 minutes.
  6. Apply flaxseed gel to your face.
  7. Get the cucumber slices, find a comfy spot, and place the cucumbers over your eyes.
  8. Relax as the flaxseed gel tightens on your skin.
  9. Remove once the gel tightens on the entire face.
  10. Rinse off with cool water.
  11. Apply your normal moisturizer while your face is still wet.
  12. Let your face air dry.
  13. Feel refreshed for the rest of the day!

As mentioning before, you can find a facial recipe for nearly any item in your fridge or kitchen! Fun Task: Type bread facial or potato in the search and see what you discover!

references: Author: Mar drugs, Cosmetic and Therapeutic Applications of Fish Oil’s Fatty Acids on the Skin, published July 2018 , Acessed May 2021

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