Skin Tags – Remove Skin Tags With This Oil

Skin tag remedy

One of the annoying things our bodies produce is acrochordon or skin tags. They often develop on areas of the body where the skin often folds. Common areas are the neck and armpits, but even eyelids can develop skin tags.

As they are usually painless, some people embrace them as beauty marks. These growths aren’t usually problematic but can be a sign of an insulin issue within the body. Additionally, other growths, such as moles, can be mistaken for skin tags.

Visit your doctor if you see a spark in the number of skin tags, or if you need to determine if you have a cancerous mole.

There are many home remedies with claims to remove skin tags, and maybe they all work just not for everyone! Luckily, I experienced success with the first home remedy I tried.

So I thought I should brag, it could be the remedy that works for you.

Skin Tags in A Sensitive Area

Like many adults, I have more than one skin tag on my body. However, I never thought about them much until I got one on my top eyelid!

Before, I was going with the “out of sight, out of mind concept”, but this one I could see and feel! The weight of it became a distraction. Additionally, that one comment stating, “something is on your eye” did not make me feel any better.

I knew I needed immediate treatment to remedy this, although I felt like it would be hopeless.

So what is this amazing oil you ask? It’s none other than tea tree oil. I’m sure you have come across this oil as a treatment for other ailments as well.

It has strong antibacterial and anti-acrochordon properties to my discovery. Now I will tell you how I used the essential oil and how long it took to remove the skin tag from my sensitive eyelid.

Home Remedy For Skin Tags

I searched online for a product to get the job done and stumbled upon advice to dab tea tree oil on the skin tag every day. This oil is inexpensive and was in my supply.

I didn’t have much faith it would work, yet became obsessed with applying, exceeding two times a day sometimes.

How To Apply The Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil has a loud earthy smell and can be potent and irritating to the eye. Labels and specialists often recommend diluting the oil. However, I wanted the full strength to deliver results.

So I cautiously saturated the q-tip in tea tree oil without drippage and rubbed it on my skin tag. I made sure not a drop would fall in my eye! The q-tip was solely placed on the skin tag.

When it Finally Came Off!

Within a week, my lid was skin tag-free. The oil made the skin tag loosely attached.

I was able to pull it off without pain. That is why I am recommending tea tree oil for your skin tag removal solution because it worked!

Tea tree oil is now a product I keep for my skincare remedies. You never know what bump, rash, or growth may surface that tea tree oil can treat.

Consult with your doctor before treatment, this is not to be regarded as a medical diagnosis and treatment.

I purchased my tea tree oil from my local farmers’ market. You can find good quality tea tree oil at Walmart or Amazon. Avoid bottles that say “not for topical use”. Brands to consider are Spring Valley and Flora. Good quality oil will be in a dark bottle, which blocks prolonged light exposure that could alter the quality of the oil.

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