Toners Too Harsh on Your Skin? 7 Reasons Why

toners for the face around green leaves

What to do when you need to tone down the Toner? Toners provide an extra level of cleansing, even out the skin tone, rebalance the skin’s pH and improve its ability to absorb moisture. After wiping, you may notice residue on the cotton pad even after cleansing your face. This could be dirt, dead skin, leftover makeup, or a combination. However, when a Toner is not complying with your skin, potential side effects are; dry & flaky skin, burns, breakouts, or rashes. After buying a toner, there are seven factors to consider if it is too harsh on your skin.

These critical factors are; UV protection, skin type, ingredients, product combination, climate difference, moisturizer usage, and expiration date, which we will get into more.

Toners and UV Exposure

In the earlier days, people used Toner to restore the skin’s pH from harsh cleanser residue. Today, toners are more complex, they provide pH balance, and some include ingredients such as glycolic or lactic acid to help with skin concerns like wrinkles and acne. While it is always beneficial to wear sunscreen, while using toners containing these exfoliating acids, it’s essential. These acids increase the skin’s sensitivity to UV exposure. Ultimately, you will see more damage than benefits without SPF protection.

 Toners to Match your Skin type

 Normal to Dry Skin –

If you have dry skin, you should aim for toners with moisturizing agents such as Niacinamide, Hyaluronic acid, and Rose Water. These ingredients will help maintain the moisture in your skin and prevent trans epidermal water loss. Additionally, look for toners that state, “for dry to normal skin.” Some experts deem toners as nonessential for dry skin to avoid dehydration. You should reduce usage to once a day to help with this concern.

Acne-Prone or Oily Skin-

It is easy to fall into the trap of over-cleansing the face with oily skin. Toners for oily skin types contain acids such as AHA, BHA, and glycolic acid to slough away dead skin and prevent clogged pores. The overuse of these components can be drying at first, leading to inflammation that increases the skin’s oiliness.

Ingredients in toners that can be harsh on the skin

Isopropyl alcohol-

Alcohol is applied to wounded skin to fight bacterial growth and decrease infection. However, using a high percentage of alcohol daily can damage the skin barrier, and cause dryness, flaking, and increased irritation. 


There seems to be a war on fragrance in skincare products, yet not all scent is terrible! If your Toner has a loud fragrant smell, it may irritate you. Irritation can occur due to the amount of fragrance in the Toner. 

Witch Hazel-

There are lots of toners on the market that contain witch hazel. The benefit of witch hazel is the antioxidant component that combats free radicals from UV damage and the environment. These antioxidants are called tannins, which some people develop an allergy to. However, alcohol is a component to watch in Witch Hazel due to the drying mentioned above. Aim for a witch hazel toner that does not include alcohol and has moisturizing ingredients.

Toner or Retinoid

Retinoids are used for anti-aging and reverse cellular damage done by UV radiation. They are also very drying to the skin, like some alcohol-infused toners; depending on what type of Toner you use, applying retinol shortly after may cause the skin to become increasingly dry and irritated.

Adjusting toners with the season

When you buy a toner that is too harsh for your skin, the season is something to consider. Before getting disappointed with the toner results, keep in mind that your skin’s needs can change in different climates. This change can make your skin slightly oily than dry, and vice versa. It is why a product may work great at first and then stop being as effective. You will potentially get better results when you focus on the current state of your skin rather than how you perceive it most of the time.

Toner then Moisturizer

After toning, don’t forget to finish with a moisturizer! A moisturizing agent can improve your skin’s tolerance to stripping ingredients in some toners by locking in hydration. Moisturizers also have the benefit of reducing fine lines and wrinkles. Consider using a toner and Moisturizer from the same skincare line to limit irritation, as the products tend to function best together.

The steps to toning should include:

  1. Wash with a cleanser for your skin type- ( * try sensitive skin cleansers if you are unsure of your skin type)
  2. Apply the Toner directly to the face or on a cotton pad and wipe
  3. Rub Moisturizer on the front while your skin is wet or dry – (test your skin’s preference)

Lastly, check the Toner’s expiration date!

If the Toner is expired, it will no longer provide all of the benefits stated on the packaging. You may notice adverse effects and clogged pores. According to Westlake Dermatology, most toners last up to one year. Therefore, it’s essential to check the date before applying the product to your skin.

The Takeaway

When dealing with toners that are too harsh for your skin before tossing them in the trash, there are options to consider. Exam your skin type, current climate, and ingredient list to attain better results. Additionally, toning is not a one-step process; it should follow a cleansed face and proceed with a moisturizer.

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